Pearl Veal Product

Pearl Veal is tender, lean and low in saturated fat, a beautiful rose colour, with a delicious yet delicate and mild flavour.

Eating Pearl Veal

  • Rose Colour

    Pearl Veal exhibits a distinctive pink hue, setting it apart from traditional white veal that is raised on strict milk or formula diets. Our calves thrive on a nourishing diet of fresh milk while enjoying the outdoors with access to natural pasture. This enriching diet contributes to a deeper rose or pink colour in the veal, as the muscles absorb essential iron during their growth.

  • Tenderness

    Pearl Veal vealers undergo processing at 10-12 months of age, ensuring that it occurs before the connective tissues within the muscles fully develop. Animal welfare is managed carefully at all stages, contributing to the production of a tender end product.

  • Flavour

    Pearl Veal has a mild or subtle taste in contrast to mature adult beef, featuring more delicate flavours. This is due to its lower fat content and youth, resulting in less worked muscles and a more tender texture. The mild and delicate flavour profile complements dishes without overpowering them, offering the flexibility for both simple and complex culinary creations - it’s your choice!

  • Lean

    Harvested at a younger age that adult beef, Pearl Veal has directed its energy in growth, allowing less time for fat deposition. With lower overall and saturated fat content, it presents a healthier option for you!

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Aging & Preparation

Pearl Veal is aged for 3 weeks to ensure optimal flavour and tenderness when it is cooked and served. Our meat packs are then skillfully butchered by expert artisanal butcheress Georgie Moleta. To provide year-round availability and honour the entire animal, our veal is then frozen, utilising all its parts.

When you open a pack of Pearl Veal, you may notice an odour. This is common with vacuum packed meat and is known as containment odour. Allow the package to breathe, and the odour will naturally dissipate within 30 seconds.